Friday 25 April 2014


This is a video made by the same dog trainer that trained Zues and Apollo (my farm dogs) 

Some more charries ^.^

Odin, long lost brother of Morgana

Kase, Morgana and Klaus' Son 

Jasmine, daughter of Morgana and Klaus

Monday 31 March 2014


I decided to write stories about one of my favourite charries, Morgana (Morgan)
here is the link:

Saturday 1 February 2014


Axel is 50,000 year old dragon that 10,000years ago swapped his dragon body for a human one. He now controls both bodies.
Axel has already mentioned a past to a fairy named Amy, who always tricks him into certain scenarios and steels his blood. But then says she loves/misses him. 
As a human 

As a dragon 

Saturday 25 January 2014

Funny video and songs that cheer me up

How animals eat their food xD

Ava-Lilly vs the Evil Carrots


Mahican or Wolf (English translation of his name) 
Tribe: Arapaho (wolf people)
Childhood friend: Kristy 
Relationship status: taken by Kristy

He and Kristy used to be best friends when they were little and always went to a lake. 
One day his tribe fled the area and he was separated from Kristy. 
He heard the Romans had taken Kristy's tribe and worked his way to free her. He was thrown into the colloseum and had fight/kill his own tribe to win his freedom.
Once set free he went looking for Kristy again, until he eventually found her now and is currently living with her and is in a relationship with her.
His body is covered in scars from the colloseum and other fights he fought over the years.