Saturday 28 December 2013

Monday 9 December 2013

hugo's blog

so one of my characters is named Hugo and he's an ancient demon
so I decided to write some stories about his childhood
so just follow the link:

Morgana various outifts

her bikini

her pyjamas ;)

Sunday 8 December 2013

Morgana returned

Morgana was an old character of mine, but she sacrificed her live for someone Klaus loved.
Recently Morgan was brought back to life by her son Loki and is back with Klaus,
who isn't being easy....
will this couple last long?

Tuesday 3 December 2013



name: Wolf
age: 18
background: grew up with a family of werewolves, but never knew his true name and before he could find out his tribe was murdered by Hunter's who he later killed
markings: is covered in tribal markings

Saturday 30 November 2013

For PoD

so because my best friend is feeling down, she asked if I could put some photos of myself up, here u go little sis... hope u feel better now :3

Oscar's Story (recent)

So recently me and Kika decided to go on holiday to Italy,
we spent an amazing month there, living in traditional Villas,
touring historic landmarks and just chilling together at sunset on our boat.

One night whilst we were lying on the boat watching the sunset,
Kika told me she expecting.
A BABY!! I hadn't even considered that yet, I was frozen, but when I
considered this more... I wanted to be a dad, to prove to myself that I am
nothing like my father and that I could look after a child and be the dad I always
When Kika then told me it might not be mine, I was upset,
but then I could still be a dad to this kid,
I wouldn't care even if God Zillah was the dad.
But after this my heart was ripped out...
Kika wasn't ready to be a mum and wanted to
terminate her pregnancy....
To even consider ending an innocent life...
But I would be with Kika every step, no matter what she decides.

At the same time Kat ran into my clone...
She told my clone that she was pregnant and it wasn't Lucifer's,
but it was mine...
She said she couldn't get rid of the child,
and that I would have to look after it for her,
as she cant lose Lucifer.
I agreed as I couldn't lose another child...

Then 2days ago Kika and Kat had a fight,
Kika wanted to kill Kat's child, because she couldn't let it
get between us.
I tried to stop her, but she stabbed me...
I fell into the black hole that is my mind and turned into a puppy
Kika turned into some kind of jaguar...

I followed her like any good puppy would,
I was scared of her, she was big, scary and
looked like she wanted to eat me.
But me no scaredy puppy, I stood my ground
and let her push me around...

Untill I realised, i'm human not puppy, I transformed back
and managed to convince Kika to do the same...
her first words to me were "its yours, the baby is yours"
and that's when my world started to rebuild itself,
my love, my one and only true love was expecting my baby
we were going to be a family.

Saturday 9 November 2013

Hugo Bael

been around since the Roman's and Greeks
is a Demon, has been a monster through history
currently engaged to Pandora
And has a dog named Poh (who is actually a dragon)


Caine is the son of Loki and Tobi
He has a twin sister named Echo
He has an older half-Brother named Aaron,
but he only knows him as his big bro
Like Tobi he has a demon tail, which can always cause

His Granddad is Klaus, who he loves to torment
but really he does love Klaus

He is often up to mischief, but he can always
diffuse a situation by looking cute.

At the moment he is living with Angel, because
Echo has been taken over by an evil force named
Oblivia and he was kicked out by her...
He went looking for help, to save Echo.
However Echo has been saved now, but Caine
still chooses to stay with Angel and is now going
to be a big brother to Angel's baby.

Wednesday 6 November 2013


Recently fell from heaven
engaged to Angel
has one white wing and one black wing....
he wings started to burn as he fell but it only burnt one very badly
his wings are often a tattoo on his back

Monday 21 October 2013

Oscar's story

~Oscar at 4years old~

I wake up to the screaming cries of my baby sister. My brother throws a shoe at my head and shouts "SEE TO THE BABY YOU UNGRATEFUL TWERP!!". I reluctantly roll out of bed and toddle over to my baby sister, Cece. I cuddle her in my arms... she's so small, only a couple of days old and already has more respect from my family than me its like they have hated me since birth. My older brother Maxim is only 3years older than me, but thinks he can push me around and I guess I let him, otherwise mummy and daddy will lock me in the box again. Cece then hushes her cries and I gently lie her back down in her cot. Maxim throws a steel-toe boot at my head and I immediately fall on the floor clutching my head, I hold my tears back for I know he will throw the other one at me and then I really will go in the box. I stand back up and face him. Maxim growls at me "GO GET READY FOR TRAINING!!" I do as I am told and hurry out the room and change into my training gear; a holey t-shirt and ripped jeans. I walk back out and the other boot flies straight into my head and I'm instantly knocked out....

Baby Cece

The metal box

Sunday 13 October 2013


Alec and Magnus' new addition is a baby girl called Skye. who is half-angel half-witch... she is only a new born and makes things happen but doesn't realise what she is doing. She is kind and wouldn't hurt a fly, but must be protected from Demons and especially Satan...

this is actually baby sister Ava-Lilly, but her picture
can be used for Skye ^-^

Friday 11 October 2013

Oscar as a girl

Maxim has turned Oscar into a girl, so Klaus can torture him
so this is him as a girl....

The new God of mischeif, Loki

so God was captured by some maniac that took half her powers, Loki came in rescued her and took her place. The maniac then put God's blood into Loki. that's the new him

Monday 7 October 2013

my dogs in real and my old dog

so this is Logan, he died in 2007 because of cancer. The day before I had to take him to the vets to be put down, I took him to his favourite beach and sat there with him all day!
the first picture is Logan and my dad!

But now I have 4 dogs, Bandit, Rosie, Zues and Apollo

<< this is Bandit, a black Labrador crossed with a
Rhodesian Ridgeback
<< this is Rosie, a Staffordshire bull terrier
this is Apollo, his brother is Zues>>

they are both Husky crossed with Labradors

<<<< this is Zues!!


Monday 30 September 2013


Loki can turn into anything he likes and often hints at a fling him and god had 5,000 years ago...
this is him as a girl...

Thursday 26 September 2013

Morgan, Loki and Alec in WvsVvsH RP

Alec Lightwood

Boyfriend to Magnus

Morgan (Morgana) (currently dead)

Is 1/2 god (from her dad the god of mischief Loki) and 1/2 demon
Was best friends with Klaus and they grew up together for 15,000 years... then went missing for 10,000 years!! The night she left her and Klaus fooled around and she got pregnant with their child... Loki
Sacrificed her soul for Alora.


Is the son of Klaus and Morgan... he is quarter god, quarter demon, quarter wolf, quarter vamp and is pretty powerful. Even though he has never really known his Father, Morgan would always tell him wonderful stories about him, which means he ADORES Klaus! and is going out with God

^^^as a 10year old^^^

^^and this is him as a wolf ^^
^^^his true form^^^




Monday 16 September 2013

Oscar and Maxim in the wolf vs vamps vs hunters rp

Oscar, 18

half wolf, half demon

^he looks like this in normal form (demon)^

<then looks like this as wolf


^^^and then he looks like this as a puppy ^^^
^^^He wore this in the battle between heaven and hell^^^


Oscar's older evil brother, who's main mission is to ruin Oscar's life!!!
He is determined to kill his brother and has always hated him, even before he was bitten by a wolf!
he is a hunter, so hates all super naturals! hates every1 and is a bit of a loner

is currently dead FOR NOW!!!