Monday 30 September 2013


Loki can turn into anything he likes and often hints at a fling him and god had 5,000 years ago...
this is him as a girl...

Thursday 26 September 2013

Morgan, Loki and Alec in WvsVvsH RP

Alec Lightwood

Boyfriend to Magnus

Morgan (Morgana) (currently dead)

Is 1/2 god (from her dad the god of mischief Loki) and 1/2 demon
Was best friends with Klaus and they grew up together for 15,000 years... then went missing for 10,000 years!! The night she left her and Klaus fooled around and she got pregnant with their child... Loki
Sacrificed her soul for Alora.


Is the son of Klaus and Morgan... he is quarter god, quarter demon, quarter wolf, quarter vamp and is pretty powerful. Even though he has never really known his Father, Morgan would always tell him wonderful stories about him, which means he ADORES Klaus! and is going out with God

^^^as a 10year old^^^

^^and this is him as a wolf ^^
^^^his true form^^^




Monday 16 September 2013

Oscar and Maxim in the wolf vs vamps vs hunters rp

Oscar, 18

half wolf, half demon

^he looks like this in normal form (demon)^

<then looks like this as wolf


^^^and then he looks like this as a puppy ^^^
^^^He wore this in the battle between heaven and hell^^^


Oscar's older evil brother, who's main mission is to ruin Oscar's life!!!
He is determined to kill his brother and has always hated him, even before he was bitten by a wolf!
he is a hunter, so hates all super naturals! hates every1 and is a bit of a loner

is currently dead FOR NOW!!!

Wednesday 4 September 2013



Tuesday 3 September 2013

What if i'm the doctor?

Whilst talking to Aum3z (who's awesome btw) we were talking about the Doctor's real name, what is its Oscar? what if I'm the doctor?

Then I said that Aum could be my companion, ^this is what we would look like if we were doctor who and my companion Aummy (which is kinda like Amy if u think about it! maybe she's Amy Pond!!!)