Monday 21 October 2013

Oscar's story

~Oscar at 4years old~

I wake up to the screaming cries of my baby sister. My brother throws a shoe at my head and shouts "SEE TO THE BABY YOU UNGRATEFUL TWERP!!". I reluctantly roll out of bed and toddle over to my baby sister, Cece. I cuddle her in my arms... she's so small, only a couple of days old and already has more respect from my family than me its like they have hated me since birth. My older brother Maxim is only 3years older than me, but thinks he can push me around and I guess I let him, otherwise mummy and daddy will lock me in the box again. Cece then hushes her cries and I gently lie her back down in her cot. Maxim throws a steel-toe boot at my head and I immediately fall on the floor clutching my head, I hold my tears back for I know he will throw the other one at me and then I really will go in the box. I stand back up and face him. Maxim growls at me "GO GET READY FOR TRAINING!!" I do as I am told and hurry out the room and change into my training gear; a holey t-shirt and ripped jeans. I walk back out and the other boot flies straight into my head and I'm instantly knocked out....

Baby Cece

The metal box

Sunday 13 October 2013


Alec and Magnus' new addition is a baby girl called Skye. who is half-angel half-witch... she is only a new born and makes things happen but doesn't realise what she is doing. She is kind and wouldn't hurt a fly, but must be protected from Demons and especially Satan...

this is actually baby sister Ava-Lilly, but her picture
can be used for Skye ^-^

Friday 11 October 2013

Oscar as a girl

Maxim has turned Oscar into a girl, so Klaus can torture him
so this is him as a girl....

The new God of mischeif, Loki

so God was captured by some maniac that took half her powers, Loki came in rescued her and took her place. The maniac then put God's blood into Loki. that's the new him

Monday 7 October 2013

my dogs in real and my old dog

so this is Logan, he died in 2007 because of cancer. The day before I had to take him to the vets to be put down, I took him to his favourite beach and sat there with him all day!
the first picture is Logan and my dad!

But now I have 4 dogs, Bandit, Rosie, Zues and Apollo

<< this is Bandit, a black Labrador crossed with a
Rhodesian Ridgeback
<< this is Rosie, a Staffordshire bull terrier
this is Apollo, his brother is Zues>>

they are both Husky crossed with Labradors

<<<< this is Zues!!